2024年6月21日(星期五)15:00-17:00,北大光华-Kellogg国际EMBA项目将走进新加坡,特别邀请到北京大学企业大数据研究中心主任、光华管理学院讲席教授张晓波为大家带来一场题为《从“中国制造”到“中国智造”》的国际EMBA公开课。随后,项目校友、Stealth Startup联合创始人Alfan Hendro以及特邀嘉宾新加坡中华总商会管理学院管理委员会主席柯文伟也将加入圆桌讨论环节,共同探讨对此话题的独到见解。
TheGuanghua-Kellogg EMBAprogram invites you to attend a sample class & info sessionon June 21, 2024inSingapore. On this event, we are honored to welcomeProfessor Xiaobo ZHANG, Chair Professor of Economics at Peking University's Guanghua School of Management, to share his insights on the topic "From 'Made in China' to 'Innovated in China'". Following the speech, our program alumnus Alfan Hendro and Mr. Kuah Boon Wee, the Chairman of SCCIOB Management Committee, will also join us for a panel discussion to share their thoughts on the topic.
On this occasion,Professor Li MA, Associate Dean and Director of EMBA programs at Guanghua, Peking University, will share Guanghua-Kellogg EMBAprogram's unique structure and its expansive global networks. All participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with our speakers. We look forward to seeing you!
English Version
公 开 课 概 要
Sample Class Outline
张晓波Prof. Xiaobo ZHANG
Chair Professor of Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Director, Center for Enterprise Research, Peking University
From "Made in China" to "Innovated in China"
In the past four decades, China leveraged readily available technologies, an abundant labor force, and integration with the global market to become a "world factory". However, China's economy now stands at a critical juncture due to rising wages and a shrinking workforce. Chinese firms face a strategic crossroads: relocate production inland ("in"), invest in foreign production ("out"), upgrade quality and innovation ("up"), or shut down operations ("down"). This sample class examines the likelihood of China successfully transitioning through the "up" option. Professor ZHANG will show that the Chinese economy has become increasingly innovative. By contrast, he will also discuss some non-market forces impede innovation quality.
特 邀 嘉 宾
Guest Speakers
Alfan Hendro
GK08, Class of 2023
Stealth Startup联合创始人
Cofounder, Stealth Mode SaaS Startup
ex-Chief Operation Officer, Traveloka
Kuah Boon Wee
Chairman, SCCIOB Management Committee
Core Council Member, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce
马 力
Prof. Li MA
Associate Dean and Director of EMBA Programs
Professor of Organization and Strategy Management, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
※ Individuals are listed by surname. 按姓氏A-Z排列.
立 即 报 名
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来源 |北大光华EMBA
编辑 |王蒙